De acuerdo a la ley 19.937 el CSPG podrá otorgar la matrícula profesional habilitante para el ejercicio de la profesión en la República Argentina a profesionales con títulos expedidos en el extranjero. A tal fin se deberá presentar el diploma, certificación de Título o matrícula profesional de origen, dos fotos tipo carnet 4 x 4 y abonar la matrícula correspondiente al año en vigencia. El CSPG luego de verificar la documentación presentada otorgará la matrícula correspondiente por Resolución.
For foreigner geologist
To practice the profession of Geology, whether remunerated or ad honorem, in a private or national organization, as an employee or freelance worker, argentine and foreigner geologists have to be registered in the Consejo Superior Profesional de Geología (CSPG).
Created in 1963 by a decree law (8926/63), and subsequently updated and ratified by two laws (16.478/64 and 19.937), the CSPG´s duties are to regulate the correct and the ethical practices of all the geologists.
The CSPG ´s oversight role is similar to organizations charged with overseeing professional’s activities like lawyers, engineers, economist, and architects, among others, who are all have their respective authorities always elected by themselves.
The CSPG´s main areas of activity are among the others:
- Providing policy recommendations relevant in the geological profession to governmental institutions.
- Providing training, including specialization courses, cultural and social activities for its members
- Auditing on ethical problems through the Tribunal of Discipline.
- Offering employment opportunities, contacting its members with companies.
- Giving free information by period bulletins, email communications and an annual magazine.
- Interacting with the society in general, by helping ensure that geological services will be performed with established professional and ethics guidelines, no matter what activity geologist are involved in (mining, environmental safeguarding, natural disaster prevention, underground waters, hydrocarbons, oceanography, education and research, among others).
According to art 9 of the 19.937 argentine national law, The Consejo Superior Profesional de Geología shall be in a position to authorize, the practice of professionals who have graduated abroad and whose degree has not been revalidated or recognized by an Argentine university, under the following circumstances:
a)That the said degree had been obtained following completion of secondary and tertiary education, and that it certifies capabilities equivalent to or better than those imparted by Argentine universities.
b)That the degree holder had personally passed all practical and theoretical exams imposed by the institution that issued the said diploma.
c)That the interested party provides evidence of professional experience, and
d)That the professional activities that he or she intends to carry out in this country are either technical advice to a business or training of other professionals covered by this law, in subjects that are the specialty of the contracted professional.
As a condition of the permit it can be stipulated that the professional with a foreign degree must work with a local chartered professional.
The permits mentioned in this article shall be granted for a period of no longer than three years, and can be renewed only once.
At the end of the second period, the granting authority, based on the performance of the authorized professional in this country, shall be able to issue a permanent permit but only to carry out the same activities and under the same conditions as those stated for his temporary permit.
We would like you to verify if all geologists reporting to you were register at CSPG and that they have fulfilled the required annual payment. We would also very much appreciate that you submit to us the list of all geologist in your payroll.
Thanking you in advance for your help